
Identifying and Addressing Causes of Dark Under Eye Circles

Worried about the dark circles under your eyes? Have people told you that they find the dark circles under your eyes unappealing and that it spoils your looks? That could be quite disconcerting, right? Dark circles under the eyes will not just spoil your looks, they can have physiological and emotional impacts too. The dark circles  could be because of the lifestyle that you lead, your diet, lack of exercise, stress, and sometimes, a medical problem. With that point in mind, let us have a look at the major causes and ways to address this problem, from the recommendations and advice of a prominent Dermatology clinic in Abu Dhabi.

Causes of dark under eye circles

Lack of sleep

One of the prominent reasons for dark circles for people is lack of sleep. Combine that with work stress, and you have a recipe for disaster. Work stress can keep you awake at night, staring into devices, or just trying to sleep.  Resultant stress from lack of sleep and work pressure can also be a reason for dark circles. The dermatologist in Abu Dhabi would give you tips on how to remove the dark circles and maintain the health of your eyes.


With aging, the skin under your eyes might lose its fullness and structure and some dark nerves might protrude creating a darkness under your eyes. The hollows formed under your eyes or darkness caused by the shadow of puffy eyelids are some other reasons for dark circles that accompany aging.


Water is a must to keep all the organs of your body functioning to their best. Skin needs to be hydrated with water to maintain its suppleness and elasticity. Get in touch with the best Dermatologist in Abu Dhabi to know more about the important hydration

Hyper pigmentation

Increased exposure to sunlight could lead to excessive amounts of melanin leading to dark circles. And chances of hyper pigmentation also cannot be ruled out. These causes along with smoking and drinking habits, excessive rubbing of eyes and genetic aspects of skin are highlighted as the reasons for dark circles under eye.

Now let us try to keep in mind some hacks to treat dark circles:

Hydrate yourself: Best Dermatologist in Abu Dhabi recommends drinking water up to 2 -3 litres per day or enough to recharge the water lost, to hydrate your skin. Hydration lotions available in the markets can also be used in this case.

Sunscreens: It is recommended by many Dermatologists to avoid too much exposure to sun. If you need to go out, then use sunglasses and sun screens.

Stop rubbing your eyes: The habit of rubbing your eyes constantly can be bad for the eyes, and lead to dark circles. People suffering from a condition known as eczema or itching under the eyes as a result of atopic dermatitis have dark circles under their eyes too. In this case, use of steroids or moisturizers after visiting a dermatology clinic in Abu Dhabi would be the best option.

While some of these hacks might be quite effective it is always recommended to find the best Dermatologist in Abu Dhabi for a lasting solution. If you’re looking for a Dermatology clinic in Abu Dhabi with state of the art technology and expert support Bio Clinic Medical Center will be a wise choice.


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